FIFA Mobile Kit Locker event allows you to earn a kit from your favourite club. If you’re looking for a specific kit for your team, this event will help you to earn it.
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The most beautiful kit in FIFA mobile. Absolute beauty. The details, oh my god! This thread is archived. Create and share your own FIFA Mobile Squad. Choose any player, skill boost, and rating available.
To earn your favourite club’ kit in FIFA Mobile, you need to have 11 players from the same club (your favourite club) on your active lineup. Then go to the Kit Locker event and redeem it.
If your team doesn’t have 11 players from the same club yet, you can tap ob “Go To My Team” button in Kit Locker event and reform your team there. Don’t forget that the team with players from the same club should be set as your Active team.
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After that, come back to the Kit Locker event to win matches and claim the kit from the matching club.